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Kybernein Institute at Index Foundation
The Campaign
Location: Public gathering at Index Foundation in Stockholm, 21 August 2020
Kybernein Institute presents the exhibition The Campaign during one evening at Index Foundation. The Campaign is a new investigation of how a network of think tanks led a hidden revolution in Sweden during the 70s and 80s which transformed the foundation of a unique social model.
Nathalie Gabrielsson produces performances, films, texts and installations. Her work investigates modes of artistic research, narrative production, the performativity of language, strategies of distribution and how to form strategic platforms and structures of impact. Through her projects she explores the role of the artist as a connector between information and subjectivity, political activity and research, infrastructures and impact. Founder of Kybernein Institute - a research structure for her artistic research and investigations:
2018-2018 MFA, Konstfack University College of Arts, Stockholm Sweden
2012-2015 BFA, Konstfack University College of Arts, Stockholm Sweden
Post-graduate courses:
International Curatorial Workshop 2017: Curating and Social Change. Diploma of Advanced Studies ‘Executive Education on Global Culture’, Zurich University of the Arts, Hong Kong, 2017.
Konstfack Research Week 2021: Institutionalizing Voices. A discussion around artistic practices, think tanks, research and institutional behaviours in relation to the case of Kybernein Institute and The Campaign, with Nathalie Gabrielsson, Marti Manen and guests Pamela M. Lee and Daniel Suhonen. Konstfack University Collage of Art, Craft and Design, Stockholm 29 January 2021.
Consulate General of Sweden, Istanbul: Art-Media-Politics: Investigating untold narratives. A conversation between the artists Banu Cennetoğlu & Nathalie Gabrielsson, moderated by sociologist Åsa Eldén, 25 March 2021.
Collectively: a forum on the art of thinking, working and living together. Participated in the Collectively organized by Grégory Castéra (co-director of Council) and Iaspis in Stockholm, 24–26 May 2019.
Selected exhibitions, performances and events:
The Swedish Troll Factory, group exhibition THE IMPERSONAL VERB AND THE HIDDEN SUBJECT at La Capella, Barcelona. Opening: 3 October 2023.
The Swedish Troll Factory, 2022, represented with the film The Swedish Troll Factory and Kybernein Institute at DIS, New York, ( from 29th November 2022.
The Campaign, 2020, solo-exhibition at Index - The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Stockholm, 17 April – 13 September 2020.
Kybernein Institute, 2020, group exhibition I Am Not One at Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, 8 May - 14 June 2020.
Presentation of The Campaign, 2020, performance at Index Index - The Swedish Contemporary Art
Foundation, Stockholm, 21 august 2020.
The Whistleblower, 2020, podcast release in collaboration with Index – The Swedish Contemporary
Art Foundation, 7 June 2020.
Kybernein Institute, 2018, exhibition at Konstfack University Collage of Art, Craft and Design, Stockholm May 2018.
Noah’s Ark – The Eight Great Moral Imperatives, 2017, exhibition and performance at Teater Tribunalen, Stockholm, December 2017.
Kybernein Institute, founded 2014(-ongoing), a think-tank/cultural institute, and online platform
Social Culture, 2017, video screening and seminar at Södertörn University and KTH Architecture, Stockholm, 30th January 2017.
Think Tank Aesthetics, 2016, a concept developed for Frieze projects 2017 (unrealized project).
Social Culture, 2015, video screening and seminar at Vasakronan head office, Stockholm, 14th August 2015.
Social Culture, 2015, video screening and seminar at Konstfack University Collage of Art, Craft and Design, Stockholm, 13th-24th May 2015.
The Model, 2015, performance, head office of Swedens leading real estate company Vasakronan, Stockholm, 6th March 2015.
Workplace Strategies, 2014, performance-lecture and seminar, Konstfack University College of Arts, Stockholm, 2nd December 2014.
Emergency measures or business as usual?, 2014, performance, Konstfack University College of Arts, Stockholm, 26th February 2014.
Travel through space, 2014, performance-lecture, Konstfack University College of Arts, Stockholm, 16th January 2014.
Concrete Social Sculpture, 2011, filmproject at NCC, Stockholm.
2022 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee: One-year working grant
2021 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee: Funding film project
2019 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee: One-year working grant
2019 Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse
2018 Svenska Frimurare Ordern
2017 AAA-Stiftelsen
2015 Eva och Hugo Bergmans stiftelse
2014 Ulla Fröberg-Cramérs stipendiestiftelse
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